FOIA appeals
A person whose initial FOIA request for records has been denied, either in whole or in part, or whose request for a fee waiver has been denied, has the right to appeal the denial within 30 days after receiving the denial notification.
The appeal must be in writing and should be accompanied by a copy of the letter denying the initial request and contain the basis for disagreement with the initial refusal. The appeal must be addressed to the Chief Financial Officer, Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation, 1501 Farm Credit Drive, McLean, VA 22102, and clearly marked "FOIA Appeal."
The Chief Financial Officer, will act upon an appeal within 20 business days, or any extension thereof, of the receipt of an appeal and will notify the requester in writing whether the appeal is granted or denied.
A denial of an appeal for records will generally be based on one or more of the nine exemptions described in the FOIA exemption and exclusion page. Notifications for a denial of an appeal will be in writing and will state:
- Whether the denial is in part or in whole;
- The exemption(s) relied upon for the denial in the case of initial requests for records; and
- The right to judicial review in a district court of the United States of the denial under FOIA.
You may use this link to submit a FOIA Administrative Appeal.